

 Fr. Casmir Odundo  Early Years Bishop Raphael Simon Ndingi Mwana a’ Nzeki was born in Mwala Division of Machakos District on Christmas day, 25th December 1931.   Being the last born in a family of 5 children of Mzee Ngila Nzeki and Mama Maria Muthoki.  He attended local schools at Minyanyani, Kabaa and Etikoni. In 1946, he was admitted in the Minor Seminary in Kabaa where he studied Form One and Two before proceeding to Kilimambogo Teachers College for a further two years (1948 – 1950) from where he graduated as a P3 teacher.    As a teacher, he taught in the newly opened Minor Seminary in Kiserian under Nairobi Archdiocese. From 1953 to 1956, he studied philosophy in Tanganyika (Kibosho Senior Seminary – in Moshi) and later in Morogoro Senior Seminary for Theological studies.   These were in preparation to Priesthood. He was ordained a Priest at Kabaa Parish on the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God, on 1st January 1961 by Arc...

Pope Francis Celebrates Mass “Sine Populo”

By Fr. Casmir Odundo Pope Francis Celebrates Mass alone As the Corona Virus continues to spread, many countries are taking precautions to prevent its spread. This has prompted the Diocese of Rome, to cancel all public Masses and religious gatherings. The churches in Rome are however open for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and personal prayers. One great consequence of this is that many Christians are not able to receive Holy Communion in these places. Many people are not in a position to attend Mass. As such, many Christians have been encouraged to make a spiritual communion. However, as it is a serious obligation for priests to celebrate Mass every day, priests in these places are continuing to celebrate Masses in Private. Pope Francis, who whenever he is in the Vatican celebrates Mass Daily in Casa Sancta Martha, the Papal guesthouse where he lives has continued with his daily celebration of Mass despite this crisis. He has allowed that these Masses with are o...


By Fr. Casmir Odundo Mass Celebrated in Hong Kong at the height of the Virus The Corona Virus which began in China is causing a storm throughout the world and even in the circles of the Church. Of course, " what goes around outside the Church affects what goes on inside the Church ." The Universal as well as several local churches (dioceses) have taken steps to help combat this deadly virus. Well it is not the first time that an outbreak of this magnitude has happened in the world. As a priest, I have been deeply reflecting about our Christian response to the Virus. Definitely, we cannot approach it with an attitude of indifference of sitting on the fence. The 1854 Cholera Outbreak 19th Century Cholera Outbreak In the year 1854 a similar epidemic, (Cholera) broke out in Europe. This was during Don Bosco's time and he gave a response that might be useful even in our times. When Cholera broke out in Italy in 1854 its ravages were felt in many ...


By Fr. Casmir Odundo One of my seminary classmates, now a priest of a certain diocese, recently shared with me about his priestly experience. “ How are you coping with the fact that you are no longer in class, after the over eight years of sitting in a lecture room in the seminary? ” I asked. “ Study is still very essential to me now that I am a priest. Other than the usual Monday off days for priests, I have another day every week that I set aside exclusively for personal study. I call it my study day ,” said the priest.   This should not be surprising because, as we were taught in the seminary, the priest of today’s world is called to be a saint and a scholar. ST. THOMAS AQUINAS: MODEL OF CATHOLIC SCHOLARS St. Thomas Aquinas: Patron of Scholars Today, the 28 th of January, the Church celebrates the Memoria of one of her outstanding scholars. St. Thomas Aquinas: A genius by all standards; a humble Dominican Priest; a philosopher; a theologian; a doctor of the Chu...


Fr. Casmir Odundo Fr. Ithondeka Yesterday, the Catholic Church celebrated the very first Sunday of the Word of God as promoted and proclaimed by Pope Francis in his Motu Proprio “ Aperuit illis”. " This Sunday," according to Pope Francis, "and the subsequent 3 rd Sunday’s of the ordinary time, will be devoted to, the celebration, study and dissemination of the Word of God.”     Of course the word of God has been translated into many languages, (beginning from the Septuagint and the Vulgate) but the greatest of these translations: is the one carried out by Christians’ every day in fulfilling their ordinary duties. That is, translating God’s word into life. Making God’s word alive again! As the Universal Church marked this day, some of the   priests of the diocese of Nakuru also remembered one of its faithful sons: Rev. Fr. Michael K Ithondeka, who was brutally murdered exactly 12 years ago. Fr. Ithondeka went to be with the Lord on the 26 th January 2008 at...

Mary: Icon of Advent and Holiness

By Fr. Casmir Odundo We always celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Advent; just as we always celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph, her spouse, in Lent.   It is something providential because the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the great icons of Advent. While we are in Advent for just around four weeks…the Blessed Virgin Mary was in Advent for nine months. Or we can say for even more years, as she was a Jew and therefore shared together with all the Jews the hope of the coming of the Messiah! Perhaps that is why her solemnity of the Immaculate Conception fits so well during this season. Through her Immaculate Conception the Church celebrates just how God prepared her for her unique mission of being the Mother of God. And Advent is also a season of preparation…and of waiting. As we prayed today in the Preface, because of her Immaculate Conception, the Blessed Virgin Mary is the model for holiness. Also, in three to four d...