By Fr. Casmir Odundo Mass Celebrated in Hong Kong at the height of the Virus The Corona Virus which began in China is causing a storm throughout the world and even in the circles of the Church. Of course, " what goes around outside the Church affects what goes on inside the Church ." The Universal as well as several local churches (dioceses) have taken steps to help combat this deadly virus. Well it is not the first time that an outbreak of this magnitude has happened in the world. As a priest, I have been deeply reflecting about our Christian response to the Virus. Definitely, we cannot approach it with an attitude of indifference of sitting on the fence. The 1854 Cholera Outbreak 19th Century Cholera Outbreak In the year 1854 a similar epidemic, (Cholera) broke out in Europe. This was during Don Bosco's time and he gave a response that might be useful even in our times. When Cholera broke out in Italy in 1854 its ravages were felt in many ...