By Fr. Casmir Odundo, Kibet (St. Veronica Parish Keringet, Nakuru) St. Paul VI with Archbishop Okoth in the Vatican Before the days of Barrack Obama, the African American Community embraced Bill Clinton as the First Black President. “Bill Clinton is the First Black U.S President. White skin notwithstanding, this is our first black President. Blacker than any actual black person who could ever be elected in our children’s lifetime,” c ommented Toni Morrison, in his 1998 article that appeared in the New York Times. Last Sunday’s canonization of Pope Paul VI and six other saints got me thinking a lot about Pope Paul VI and whether despite the fact that he was an European, we could still ascribe to him the title of “ An African Pope”. Of course we know from Church History that there have been three African Popes already: Pope St. Victor I (189-199), Pope Militiades (311-314) and Pope Gelasius I (492-496). However, as the dates of their Pontificates alre...