By Fr. Casmir Odundo Mons. Cleophas Oseso From today, throughout the 18,149 square kilometres of Nakuru diocese, in all masses every day, all priests and bishops will be mentioning in the Eucharistic prayer, ' With Your servant Francis, our Pope, and Cleophas, our bishop'. I suppose I was too young to remember whether Bishop Ndingi was ever mentioned in the Eucharistic prayer, even though he must have been. However, I do remember Bishop Kairo's name being mentioned, and later during the transition, Bishop Anyolo's, and finally Bishop Maurice's, whom I personally mentioned until I left Nakuru for a while for further studies. At times, I can't help but think that bishops are fortunate because they are remembered in every mass. However, I also recognize that it's a tradition that dates back to the early Christian centuries, when the names of the bishops were included in the Eucharistic prayer. That's why in the Roman canon, we still have some names of the b...