Around four years ago, we received information from our Bishop that three of my classmates and I, were going to be ordained into the Order of Deacons in preparation for eventual ordination into the priesthood. Of course we were all overjoyed. At that moment, we were pretty sure that this is what God had created us for and HE had indeed called us to his service. I wrote to family friends of mine based in Nairobi to communicate the good news to them. And they wrote back. And their email has always edified me since. By virtue of our Baptism, all of us (Clergy and Lay people) are priests and called to be holy. Together with the lay people, we share a common priesthood. However, some of us have been ordained into the ministerial priesthood which is different from the common priesthood not only in degree but also by essence. Like all other organizations, sometimes its important to get feedback and views of those we are serving. It is important for us to know what the lay peo...